Our Approach at The Esperer

Our Approach at The Esperer


Hands-on Attention

Many high volume firms have so many cases that their paralegals and legal assistants do most of the work. With us, we personally handle your case from start to finish.

Hard workers

Unlike some firms who just want to settle as many cases as quickly and easily as possible, we take the time to work up each and every case. Sure, we have hobbies, but our reputation depends on going above and beyond everyone else.

Excellent listeners

Nobody knows your story better than you. One of the biggest mistakes an attorney can make is not listening to their client. After all, we can't effectively tell your story until we first understand your story.

Honest Advice

Other attorneys may promise things they KNOW they can't deliver just to get you in the door. We’ll shoot it straight. Even when it might mean losing you as a client, we won’t give you false expectations. We understand that starting a business is a very complicated process to embark upon, as there are many things to consider and juggle – we also know how frustrating it can be when legal issues start popping up out of the blue once your business is up and running well or in your daily lives . This is why we are here to help you navigate those legal issues or even help you avoid them completely. Before anything starts to go amiss, solve or prevent legal problems by contacting us.